So there you were at the Red Dragon Inn…

You and your companions are held up in the god-forsaken town of Ivangaurd, nestled in the Ghakis Mountains, just above the Dark Woods.

Your fingers hurt, your lips are chapped, and you are far from home, and by the gods do you miss home.

Just as you’re about to get that drink you’ve been so desperately waiting for, into the inn walks… a man, a huge man.

He has to squeeze through the door. He is bald, with sorrowful of eye, his flesh pallid & blue, and in his hand he carries a massive war-club. It must be a trick of the light, but as he walks, you could swear his already impressive bulk expands, his form filling the room, his head scraping the ceiling.

The crowded inn goes quiet, eyes wide, their jaws slack, and then giant man begins to speak…